Group Offers

Our classic tours are designed as a compact format with a duration of 2.5 to 3 hours. The tours consist of architectural walks with fixed starting and finishing points. You can choose from our wide range of tours and also combine them to fill a full day, or even several. A crowd-favourite and highlight is certainly the tour of the Museum Island, which combines excellent buildings by Schinkel and his students with outstanding contemporary architecture.
Single Buildings
James Simon Gallery Entrance
Humboldt Forum and Museum Island
Bauhaus-Archiv and Cultural Forum
Springer-Campus Berlin
A Cut through the Inner City
Building Gorverment District
Parliamentary District and Pariser Platz
Hansaviertel Gropius
Lobe Block Stairs
Wild Wedding
Architectural Guided Tour Neukoelln
Neukölln: Rethinking the city
Europacity new district Berlin
Europacity: a new district
Making Mitte
New Architecture in Mitte
City West Highrise
Berlin East-West